SOCIAL HACKATHONS: A Perfect ESG activation technique
A Social Hackathon “The power of ONE-DAY” is a unique concept developed exclusively by admore. You won’t find it anywhere else – and we’re totally proud of that.
Admore’s hackathon is a social Universe in the making. What do we mean by that?
Admore’s hackathon is a one-day event that brings together any size of groups of people (as diverse as you can possibly imagine – from company employees, any interest group, academics, NGO’s volunteers, to members of the Press), to engage and actively participate in an original and sustainable action that aims at benefiting society in raising social and environmental awareness.
Admore’s Social Hackathon “The power of ONE-DAY” is an unconventional hackathon of a given sustainable objective, where any NON-expert-group, as volunteers and with no preparation, creates, in only one day, all the communication materials needed to disseminate the social and / or environmental messages of a sustainable initiative -campaign.
The deliverables of a Social Hackathon “The power of ONE-DAY” can be:
            a TV Commercial – to widely communicate the initiative
            an animated movie – to communicate the messages to children and young teenagers
            social media statements/content – not only the copy but also the visualized form
            and works of group art – amplifying the messages through art.
In other words, admore transforms a typical, run-of-the-mill corporate gathering into an event that addresses very important social issues and helps create positive changes within society. This way, there are advantages not only for the social issue the specific Hackathon is aimed at, but also for the client’s social profile. Clearly a win-win situation.
Two hugely successful Social Hackathons masterminded and faultlessly executed by admore were 2016’s “World Changers” for multinational pharmaceutical company MSD which raised awareness for the inclusion of disabled people in society and 2020’s “Life Score” for Corteva Agriscience which increased awareness towards food insecurity and food waste.
Needless to say, the buzz created from the Social Hackathon “The power of ONE-DAY” was, both for these social causes and for the corporations involved, earsplitting.